I often begin my initial consultations with a simple question. “What do we hope [...]
Names are important. A little boy named Wilfred today, compared to in the past, may [...]
So much of our lives are electronic and digital now, we don’t even realize it. [...]
Clients frequently ask whether one should transfer the title to their automobile into their revocable [...]
Did you know, however, that you can have the best estate planning documents ever drafted [...]
Many of my clients who live on the islands dream of leaving their beloved residence [...]
Twice a week I train with a personal trainer to help keep myself physically fit. [...]
A couple of years ago, a very nice couple visited with me in my office. [...]
Most clients who have revocable trusts believe that there won’t be a probate opened upon [...]
Many retirees figure that once they move past the stage in their lives where they [...]